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The Ukrainian Catholic Woman's League of Canada (UCWLC)

The UCWLC was organized nationally on June 14, 1944 and became incorporated under the laws of Canada on the 9th day of September 1980.

The Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada is the official association of lay women of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada. It is a self-sustaining, non-political, non-profit, charitable organization, which at all levels and through each individual member is in all its activities an expression of commitment to Christian life.

  • The Patroness of the UCWLC is the Most Holy Mother of God.
  • The official Icon is “Mother of God of Pochaiv”.
  • The official publication of the UCWLC is the Journal, “Nasha Doroha”. A non-member subscription is $20.00 per year.
  • Membership Dues for active members are set by the National Congress.
  • Structure of UCWLC is comprised of three (3) levels: National, Eparchial, Branch

Our local branch St. Mary’s UCWLC, Yorkton is one of 16 branches throughout Saskatchewan with an enrollment of 142 members. Current executive consists:

President: Doreen Rathgeber
Vice-President: Elsie Stechyshyn
2nd Vice-President: Rose Maleschuk
Secretary: Geraldine Koban
Treasurer: Joyce Martynuik
Spiritual Director: Fr. Ray Lukie, CSsR
Membership: Joyce Knaiz

Five (5) members from St. Mary’s UCWLC serve on the UCWLC Eparchial Executive (Eparchy of Saskatoon):

Past President Elizabeth Zahayko
Social Action: Brenda Pasloski
Cultural/Education: Elizabeth Zahayko
Public Relations/Website Coordinator: Doreen Rathgeber
Audit Chair: Joyce Martynuik

The UCWLC unites and organizes women of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada in order to carry out the main aims of the UCWLC. The main aims are as follows:

CATHOLIC FAITH: to develop and enrich the religious and spiritual life of each member in the context of Ukrainian Catholic Church, its liturgy, theology, spirituality and its practices and traditions.

UKRAINIAN CULTURE: to preserve, promote and develop the Ukrainian heritage, language, culture, traditions and arts.

SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (Canadian Citizenship):
(a) to broaden the moral understanding and deepen the sense of civic responsibility among the members;
(b) to initiate and support social action programs, which exemplify Christian ideals and values of justice and love, particularly those related to the sanctity of human life and the sacredness of the family.

CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES: to participate in service to persons and society, in works of mercy for the poor and the sick, in works of charity and mutual aid intended to relieve human needs of every kind, as well as in assistance to groups and communities.

Many programs are carried out throughout Saskatchewan and Canada by the UCWLC.

To learn more about our UCWLC organization or if you would like to become a member contact the following:
UCWLC Branch President: Doreen Rathgeber 306 782 1527

Ukrainian Catholic Women's League of Canada


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