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NOTE: For calendar events and information prior to the dates listed,
please refer to the Parish Bulletin Archives.

March 30th & April 6th Bulletin



Monday April 14: Day off for Fr Basil
Tuesday April 15:
 7:30 a.m. DL Yorkton;
 10:30 a.m. DL Bently Yorkton;
 6:30 p.m. DL of Presanctified Gifts Yorkton
Wednesday April 16:
 7:30 a.m. DL Yorkton;
 2 p.m. DL Lakeside Manor Saltcoats; 6 p.m. Confesssions Yorkton;
6:30 p.m. DL of Presanctified Gifts Yorkton
Thursday April 17:
 10 a.m. DL Sunshine Manor Ituna; 
4 p.m. St Basil’s Liturgy with Vespers Yorkton
 7 p.m. Passion of the Lord 12 Gospels Readings Yorkton
Friday April 18:
 10 a.m. Enthronement of the Holy Shroud Ituna; 
1 p.m. Enthronement of the Holy Shroud Melville;
4 p.m. Enthronement of the Holy Shroud Yorkton
7 p.m. Jerusalem Matins Yorkton
Saturday April 19: 
10 a.m. Resurrection Matins, DL and Blessing of Baskets Insinger;
 1 p.m. Resurrection Matins, DL and Blessing of Baskets Melville;
 4 p.m. Resurrection Matins, DL and Blessing of Baskets Ituna;
 7 p.m. DL and Blessing of Baskets Yorkton
Sunday April 20:  
8 a.m. Resurrection Matins, DL and Blessing of Baskets Yorkton;
11 a.m. Resurrection Matins, DL and Blessing of Baskets Calder






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