Sep 2
The next morning at the 10am service, other pilgrims that
are planning to attend World Youth Day in Sydney were present
to pray with the icon. To Fr. Bryan's left stand 3 members
of the Ruf family as well as Doreen Clark.
Sep 2
That Sunday afternoon more pilgrims that will be travelling
to Sydney carried the icon. Holding the youth banner that
will travel with the group of 20 from St. Mary's Ukrainian
Catholic Church include Nadia Ruf, Caly Maleschuk, Jordon
Ruf, Jennifer Ruf and Darlene Shymanski.
Sep 2
One more pic before they headed toward Roblin, MB.

Sep 2
It always helps to have some company on the road. Two bikes
traveled together that day.

Sep 3
The long weekend made it possible for other pilgrims from
St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church to take the icon further
to Dauphin, MB. Holding the youth banner (left to right) is
Lana Klemetski, Brenda Bohach, Donna Lazurko, Ashley Stokes
and Lawrence Klemetski.

Sep 5
The WYD icons made it to Dauphin, MB. St. Paul's Nursing Home
under the capable direction of the Sisters Servants of Mary
Immaculate, welcomed the icon for a few days.
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