July 1 - Fr. Bryan preaching on the teaching magisterium
of the church, PACE and World Youth Day at the service in
Ss. Peter & Paul. The congregation was most generous with
their donations. |

July 1 - 11am service @ St. Volodymyr Church.

July 1 - Once again, the hearts and welcome of the parish
were as beautiful as the iconostasis. The parish donated their
Sunday collection to PACE. Wow!!! WYD icon on tetrapod in
foreground. |

July 1 - Fr. Mark Bayrock's hospitality was truly generous.
He welcomed us with a home cooked meal on Saturday June 30
and took us into his home even though he already had a house
full of guests. Here, a little girl was moved to color a poster
about PACE to lift our spirits. Lethbridge hospitality was
second to none.

July 1 - Watered and fed, with Mary and Jesus, Lorne and
Fr. Bryan set out from Lethbridge to Calgary. |

July 1 -It was later in the day when we departed (4:20pm)
with a 30km head wind so we made only 87.6 km to finally spend
the night in Claresholm, AB. We stopped earlier for a break
and fuel in Fort Macleod. |
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