Sep 16 (Aug 29 Flashback)
Even the youngest participate ( baby carriage in right) as
parents of students bring out the whole family to participate.
What part of the globe are you from? Care to join the numbers
of Virtual Pilgirms as we move the WYD icons eventually from
Winnipeg, MB to Sydney Australia?
Sep 23
Early Sunday morning the WYD icons arrived at The Assumption
of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the 10 am service in Portage
La Prairie.
Sep 23
The sanctuary of the beautiful Hutsul style church is rich
in colour and icons.

Sep 23
Deacon Strilec, Fr. Bryan and the faithful pray before the
WYD icon near the end of the Divine Liturgy. Small in number,
the parish was most generous in their welcome and contributions
toward the school we hope to build.

Sep 28
A few kms were made up in the last few days. The final 45km
of the 127 km projected from Portage La Prairie to Winnipeg
were cycled on Wednesday. Brenda Bohach and Fr. Bryan were
able to finish on a warm sunny day.

Sep 28
The WYD icons were then brought to Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic
Church on Grant Ave. in Winnipeg, MB.
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